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Why you should version your software (and not pin it)

Why you should version your software (and not pin it)

How do you avoid breaking your software platforms when you’re facing mandatory Operating System upgrades? … The answer is “Versioning”. Why would you want to version your applications? And how does ‘pinning’ a version fit into this?

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Docker eliminates OS application footprint

Docker eliminates OS application footprint

In a previous post I wrote out the Ubuntu OS upgrade process on How to upgrade Ubuntu but preserve your docker versioned application stack. I’ve executed this on several docker based application servers. Since a picture says more than a thousand words I created a...

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How to upgrade Ubuntu but preserve your docker versioned application stack

How to upgrade Ubuntu but preserve your docker versioned application stack

Operating system Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ended it’s security updates by the end of April 2023. When running a dockerized application on top, you want more control and stay operational. I did this for several of our customers, and thought I’d publish the procedure for this, along with several real world tips. (update: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS als works)

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De Managed WordPress ‘gezonde website’ toolbox

De Managed WordPress ‘gezonde website’ toolbox

Inhoud Beveiliging en privacy (SSL, Cookies, WPscan) Snelheid en optimalisatie  (GTmetrics, PageSpeed, Pagetest) Domeinnaamconfiguratie (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC) Mail inhoud testen Content en marketing (Keywords, SEO, Analytics) Mythes in perspectief CAP5 Managed...

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